Breeding Adult Cheeks, supercilium, and nape light gray. Complete or mostly complete black crown. Black extends into the beginning portion of the malar as well as the lores and supraloral. Non-breeding Adult Black throat is a mark of an adult. Black crown is scalloped with white edging. Cheeks and nape brown. Malar, supraloral and lores mostly brown Immature / First Winter Average less black in the crown than non-breeding adults and a contrasting pale throat with small amounts of variable black flecking. Variable brown to the bib and neck border. Otherwise similar to non-breeding adults. Shape Profile: One of our largest Sparrows. Bulky chest with large squared head typical of the genus. Medium long, slightly rounded tails. Head Profile: Large thick based bright orange bill. Large somewhat flat-topped squared head. Unique variable black “mask” Breast / Belly / Flank Pattern: Splotchy black bib that extends down just to the middle of the br...
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